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What is a provisioning list

Thinka supports SmartStart, which means devices are added automatically to network without having to manually configure a new device.

You can add devices by scanning their QR code with the Thinka Setup App. When you eventually power the devices they will be included into the Z-Wave network within 10 minutes.

These devices are shown in the list below. Notice that you can add and delete these SmartStart devices to and from the list too. Deleting will not delete them from the network, just from the provisioning list.

To add to the provisioning list manually, you'll need to add at least the DSK (Device Specific Key) of the device.

The provisioning list is currently empty, scan a SmartStart device or click on the button below to add a device to the list.

You can go to provisioning list by "Settings" -> "Z-Wave" tab. Here is the provisioning list part of Thinka web app;

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In case something is not clear or not working according to your expectation you can contact us, and we will provide instant feedback. We can be reached by email at, or by phone at +31-20-2420666