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Savesor KNX

Thinka is the brain to your smart home KNX system. Thinka adds visualisation and voice control with Apple HomeKit, Amazon Alexa and Google Home to Savesor KNX products.

Thinka works with Savesor

Savesor is specialized in hotel automation solutions for both the retrofit and new-build markets. Using state of the art technologies to increase the energy efficiency of hotel rooms as well as the productivity of hotel staff by streamlining operating processes. Our products have been developed for the hotel industry, enabling a hotelier to retrofit a room with Savesor products in between check out and check-in times. Thus having no impact on revenue during installation, as rooms do not need to go out of service during installation. Savesor typically saves hoteliers an average of up to 40% in energy costs.
Savesor is known to increase guest satisfaction, which is positively reflected in online guest reviews. According to a US Environmental Protection Agency calculation, installing one Savesor Room Kit is equal to planting 535 trees.

KNX partners offer an endless and unique range of products, be it sensors & controls for light, blinds, ventilation, heating, thermostats, camera’s, you name it. This allows you to create your own unique smart home that answers your needs perfectly. Your KNX installer can support you with creating the home you want.

You can find a reseller close to you from our reseller page.

After installation, Thinka makes sure you are in charge; to simply add or adjust settings & scenes to your liking, and control your home the way you want.

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