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Eelectron SpA KNX

Thinka is the brain to your smart home KNX system. Thinka adds visualisation and voice control with Apple HomeKit, Amazon Alexa and Google Home to Eelectron SpA KNX products.

Thinka works with Eelectron SpA

Eelectron is an Italian company that produces KNX standard electronic hardware and software devices. Our range of products is aimed towards hotel automation, home evolution and building automation. Member of the KNX Association for the Manufacturers category since 2005, Eelectron is a leading example on the national scene in the field of European standards protocols. The philosophy of Eelectron is to future aspects of design and aesthetics and functionality research with the development of highly innovative devices, combining KNX interoperability and compliance with the strictest International quality standards. The experience of Eelectron staff is at the full disposal of our users, with ongoing training activities, product assistance and continuing development that pays particular attention to client requirements, emerging applications, energy savings and the implementation of simple, efficient and client-oriented solutions.

KNX partners offer an endless and unique range of products, be it sensors & controls for light, blinds, ventilation, heating, thermostats, camera’s, you name it. This allows you to create your own unique smart home that answers your needs perfectly. Your KNX installer can support you with creating the home you want.

You can find a reseller close to you from our reseller page.

After installation, Thinka makes sure you are in charge; to simply add or adjust settings & scenes to your liking, and control your home the way you want.

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